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Turn your data into knowledge and your knowledge into impact

Improving the welfare of companion animals requires using scientific data to demonstrate your interventions are having the desired impact. But barriers prevent us from collecting, storing, & analyzing our data properly.

Companion Animal Tools remove these barriers so you can access the power of your data to demonstrate your impact.

Companion Animal Tools is an online all-in-one system to enter, store, analyze, & report your data. We provide the tools, services, & support to meet the needs of colony caretakers, TNR practitioners, animal shelters, high capacity spay-neuter programs, animal welfare agencies, & shelter medicine groups.

Our Services

The tools you need to complete your work from start to finish

Project planning

Initial consult with an expert at sign-up to get you started on how to: form the right question, decide on the data you need, study design, and online tools to estimate effort and costs. Tools to set up projects and identify sampling locations.

Data Entry & Storage

Spreadsheet templates to easily enter & upload data. Automatically scan data for errors and format the data for long-term secure storage in the cloud. Tools for classifying individuals from photos for long-term population monitoring.

Data Visualization

Easy-to-read dashboards provide instant insight on data collection and results. Map your data and symbolize animals based on species, sex, or reproductive status. Graph relationships and test for effects of your interventions.

Data Reporting

Automated data reporting to meet project funder requirements and stakeholder needs. Less time on paperwork and more time on making an impact. Win-win.

Companion Animal Tools


Datasheet & spreadsheet templates, learning center with how-to and information videos, online drop-in sessions to get answers to your questions, discussions of case-studies and ongoing research. Mobile applications to aid data collection

Connect with Experts

One-on-one help with scientific & statistical experts to help you through every step of your project. From study design to statistical modeling, we help you make the most of your data and answer your questions with confidence.

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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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